[V8] Parts car come's alive

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Sun Feb 20 18:22:41 PST 2011

Hey all, well, it was nice and sunny today, and thought I'd do some  
final tests on this/that on the parts car before what seemed like  
it's inevitable dismemberment.  I did the compression, and as I  
suspected the 2 "leaky cylinders" were lower(120)....Before I  
buttoned it up, decided to verify routing on all the plug wires.   
They were new when I got it, and I was PRETTY sure I'd already  
checked them, and a few other fixes caused the car to run much  
better.    Anyway, sure enough, found 2 that were switched, and when  
I turned the key......Vrooooooom.  I disconnected battery for 1/2 hr,  
and when I checked....NO Codes!.......;-)  Motor now runs great, and  
1 of the offending wires was on that cylinder that was fuel wet, so  
I'm still thinking that #8 still  has a leaky injector....but you  
wouldn't know it by the way it starts/runs........I spent the last  
few months trying to get it to run right, and the previous owner did  
the same........Moral of the story is.....Don't forget the simple  
stuff....Made my day for sure, gonna drive it to work tomorrow.....Tom

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