[V8] No affiliation(also)

ron_01056 at yahoo.com ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 17 10:26:06 PST 2011

And i'd all so like to thank Tom for the pretty light.
One day hopefully we will meet face to face Tom and I can thank u personally.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Ed Kellock" <ekellock at gmail.com>
Sender: v8-bounces at audifans.com
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 11:16:59 
To: 'Bryan Kamerer'<kamerer at gmail.com>; <toml99 at todomundo.com>
Cc: 'v8audi'<v8 at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [V8] No affiliation(also)

I don't have much trouble distinguishing Cayenne from Cyclamen.  I'm
somewhat red/green color blind, so Cyclamen rarely looks red to me until I
think about it and concentrate.  Cayenne looks immediately red to me and in
some light with a good paint job can look brownish, hence the name Cayenne.

We've got a pair then...  I'm the other heel.  I too received that sweet
little magnetic light.  I thanked him privately but feel a public
acknowledgement is warranted.


-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
Bryan Kamerer
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 12:21 AM
To: toml99 at todomundo.com
Cc: v8audi
Subject: Re: [V8] No affiliation(also)

So first off, yeah with pics it's hard to tell cayenne from cyclamen.  I
actually owned not one, but TWO cyclamen 5-speeds for like seven years
before I went to get some touch-up paint and realized they were actually
cyclamen, and not cayenne, like I had thought!  If lighting allows, I'll
snap a pic of my cyclamen V8 5-spd tomorrow for reference.

And on to Tom's post, two things:

1) I owe Tom a  belated apology and thanks, he sent me a nice Xmas gift,
some kinda magnetic LED light thing for working in dark places.  I bet it
will prove helpful when at some point.  What a nice guy.  And I'm a heel for
not acknowledging it until now.

2) His comment:

but would love an excuse to drive back up thru
> my old stomping grounds in a pretty shiny red car

Yeah baby. Oh yeah.  BTDT.  I recall about '96, I lived in NYC and arranged
a business trip over thanksgiving weekend to SF, and my wife the same time.
  We took the next few days off (my birthday).  I rented a deep metallic red
Jaguar XJ-6 from Hertz (more cayenne than cyclamen, for the record), and
drove it as hard as I dared up the Pacific Coast Highway from SFO to
Mendocino.  And I mean "hard."  Spent two lovely days there, then drove it
hard as hell back to SFO.  What a ball.  I recall at one point on the way
up, I had to pull over for my wife to open the passenger door and puke on
the shoulder - the Jag was so magnificent it could do amazing speeds on
those cliff roads, because of the incredible suspension you were
disassociated from the speed and pitch, you could get vertigo.  As the
driver, I did not, I had my hands on the steering and foot on the power, but
she did not have that connection. For the record, she was no wuss; in fact a
great skier and brave soul, but still the PCH and that Jag got the better of
her.  Damn she was a trooper.  Wish she had not divorced me, but that's a
whole 'nuther indelicate story.

Now the funny part of the story is of course they did not rent those things
without severe mileage limitations.  When I got back to SFO, the clerk
punched in my figures and then looked up at me a bit worried. She said,
"your four-day rental charge is $250, but there's a $246 mileage charge on
top of that."  She looked like I was going to argue, go ballistic, or
something worse.  I just smiled and said, "Yeah, I know.  It was my
birthday."  She relaxed instantly, and I had another funny memory to add to
the trip.

Now I know of course Kneale is going to tell us how he took a Jag out
lobster fishing once, and of course it caught a great white.  But then there
was this guy who had been on the Indianapolis back in '45, survived, etc..

And I want to hear Kneale's story...


PS Tom- I'd say if you are in SeaTac tomorrow let's meet, but I am hosting
some friends' kids for a horse day in the park over here all afternoon.
What time are you going to SeaTac?

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 10:49 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com <toml99 at todomundo.com
> wrote:

> I'm taking a friend to the airport early to fly to SF......which is 
> why I couldn't help myself about checking out the car..... 
> 207K.....tranny leak.....rear wheel bearing issue.....no comment on 
> the belt.....Anyone on the list in Berkley/Oakland.....I passed on the 
> trip due to money, but would love an excuse to drive back up thru my 
> old stomping grounds in a pretty shiny red car....friend on the trip 
> know's nothing about cars..........Tom 
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