[V8] stereo install

J123fs at aol.com J123fs at aol.com
Wed Jan 19 06:48:57 PST 2011

I too finished my stereo install late November, though I have been still  
dinking around with it a bit.
I removed ALL the Bose stuff and I also had a couple issues with  mounting 
hole in the 91. I solved it via not using the mounting sleeve at all,  and 
using two sided tape on the top and bottom (pressure sensitive stuff) made  
for car usage from 3M  (I assume better with heat).
The other issues I have had to deal with where ignition noise, space  to r
un patch/power wires and getting the right adaptors ( 5.5 to 4.5 ) to  fit 
standard speakers in the front Bose boxes (sourced via ebay) and antenna  
adaptor (Crutchfiled or Ebay- very cheap).
The adaptors for the speakers themselves needed to be adapted by  cutting 
off the mounting ears and filling the tri-mount holes in the boxes. I  also 
needed to cut off the mounting tabs on the speakers and use a adaptor ring  
to clamp down the speaker unit. I also took the Bose boxes apart and removed 
the  amp and blocked the port (not a correct port design for most 
aftermarket  speakers-won't get into that too deeply, that's for Huw on the Quattro 
list to  rant about) and covered the exterior with DynaMat so the speakers 
will sound  decent - no plastic resonance.
The ignition interference issues where only solved via after putting both  
power chokes and ground loop isolators on the headunit, and three amps  
power leads. I also isolated the power leads from the shielded RCA patches from  
the headunit by running them on opposite sides of the car sill- which was 
fine,  as the amount of room next to the big cables (seatbelt/engine 
tensioners-what  are they called again??) was super limited for 4 patches and 2 
speaker leads,  and remote and antenna wires.
There is still a super faint hum (I'm very picky) that I'm sure will go  
away as soon as I install the new ignition wires (which I have, just been too  
crappy out to install- they are 30 dollar NOS Bosch from a VW 16v- one wire 
is  too short BTW).
The system still needs some tweaking with the electronic crossover points,  
but all in all is order of magnitude better than the Bose ever was - better 
 highs, un-muddled lows, better imaging.

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