[V8] bunch of codes

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Sun Jan 23 10:19:48 PST 2011

I have done this before, but the procedure is actually quite dangerous.
You need a spare fuel pump or some way to pressurize the injector, and all the assorted tubing/wiring/power supply, etc to hookup an injector on a "test bench" which obviously means you removed the injector from the car.

For the "test fluid" I used a bottle of Techron so I gave the injectors a good cleaning at the same time.  In fact, that was my primary goal.

This is essentially what the pros do, except that they have safe working conditions and proper equipment and training.
I usually don't let little things like that get in my way. :-)
You need to find an explosion proof way to switch the injector on and off.  Sparks - even tiny ones are a bad bad thing.

I worked outside, with the electrical stuff far away, a fire extinguisher handy, and the garden hose on and ready for action.

Make sure your personal and property insurance is paid up too...


On Jan 23, 2011, at 11:05 AM, NIck Miller wrote:

> There is an injector output test that you can intiate from the passenger
> footwell,  that's the start.  Use the sjmauto site for the procedure.
> After that its pretty tough as far as I know,  you need them bench tested.
> On Jan 23, 2011 9:19 AM, "Eric Gambon" <eric.gambon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How would one diagnose a leaky injector?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 22, 2011, at 21:54, "toml99 at todomundo.com"
>> <toml99 at todomundo.com> wrote:
>>> I'm guessing that those code numbers are from Vagcom?....Since I'm a
>>> Mac guy, I've only got the LED blinker tool, and it usually only
>>> gives 1-2 codes, if any...When you check the caps, verify that the
>>> wires are not mixed up.....My part's car has 2 leaky injectors....I
>>> went thru all kinds of tests, and the PO spent a bunch of money on
>>> wires/caps/rotors/OX/Knock.....but it looks like the dripping
>>> injectors keep putting out an OX code...Tom
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