[V8] S4 seats/ center console?

Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Sun Jan 23 15:29:27 PST 2011

forget about having a split/fold back seat in a T44 or V8. There's a 
massive steel wall in the way. Cutting up the support behind the rear 
seat in the sedan will adversely impact structural integrity of the car. 
This thing is an integral part of the whole unibody and should really 
not be tampered with. C4 rear seats (the back) are less wide and less 
"high" than the ones in the Type 44. They don't really fit.

NIck Miller wrote:
> Well the t44 seat is two pieces only.  I know cause I've pulled it.  The
> rear upright piece is one single peice, the lower is one piece.  It the s4
> seats split in the rear that would be a big difference.  I might try it in
> that case because a splitting rear would be a nice addition to a t44.  I've
> wanted a good excuse recently to do some heavier welding/ fabricating and
> cutting out the rear supprot and making my own for those seats (should the
> physical dimensions work anyway) Sounds fun.  Could even ad a nice mount for
> an amp in that case.
> O

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