[V8] Tranny Pan Part 2

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Fri Jul 22 22:11:04 PDT 2011

Well, I got home from another long day, and since it was sunny,  
decided to fix that pan gasket that I failed to get right the first  
time.  This time I cleaned it, and put a little adhesive on the  
corners to hold it, and with fresh exhaust bolts, the whole thing  
took about 2 hrs.  I poured the slightly discolored fluid back in,  
and after verifying no leaks, took it for a spin.  It did slip when  
it kicked down on the highway.  I took the next exit, and put in in  
manual, and hit the onramp in 1st.  Awsome...then hit second and it  
slipped, threw it in 3rd, and all was well...Then, when I got off the  
highway, I did the same on the side streets, but it didn't slip in  
second.  Thinking it needs a bit of a small roadtrip to blow the  
cobwebs out, and maybe all will be fine.  I basically was making it  
roadworthy to drive it to where it's gonna get parted, but it's a  
completely driveable car at this point....I may take it for a longer  
drive tomorrow.....
I didn't put that big steel reinforcement plate that goes from side/ 
side under the middle of the car, as I snapped off most of those  
wimpy studs with the 10mm nuts on them....I assume it stiffens up the  
car, but was wondering if anyone has a comment.  Anyway, it lives....Tom

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