[V8] fixing the shaft of getting it....well, that's what you were wondering, wasn't it?

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at fairpoint.net
Thu Jul 28 14:12:12 PDT 2011

For what it's worth, when I bought my current V8, up on the lift for the
first time my wrench discovered a torn boot.  We had no idea how long it had
been torn.  Instead of replacing it, he suggested cleaning it out and merely
reinstalling it.  Took about an hour I think the invoice said, and it has
been fine ever since...now past 15,000 miles.
If it had been really disgusting inside, we would have replaced the assembly
with a rebuilt unit.  A REAL German part would be great, but you can fix a
lot of rebuilt ones for five hundred bucks.

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