[V8] Jeremy's web site?

Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Wed Jun 8 01:00:04 PDT 2011

you didn't lose it - the site has been down for awhile now. That's what 
Jeremy posted here on April 18, 2010:

Sorry my website has been screwy for 6+ months; former Lister Torrence
Thomas, who hosts my website, has been going through some serious health
issues.  This has kept him from his work, including restoring the myv8q
website; it has been low on his (and my) priorities.  The domain name is
scheduled to expire this summer - if anyone in interested in taking it over,
let me know.

ron_01056 at yahoo.com wrote:
> I lost the link to Jeremy's web page....anyone got the link? I'm checking for paint codes.
>   Ron

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