[V8] Ball joint discussion

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 12 19:47:35 PDT 2011

So the ufo housing uses a 19mm ball joint and not an 18mm ball joint like he noted.

Scott J quoted back on Feb 11th.........To the biggest error I read on this thread, THE UFO UPRIGHT IS NOT A 19mm BALL JOINT RON!!!!!!!.  It is 18mm (REREAD PLEASE: IT"S AN 18MM BALL JOINT ON UFO CARS), and if you try to use that 18mm joint on a 19mm S4 Upright, you are compromising the safety of that vehicle!  Rant off.

 If the UFO housing used an 18mm ball joint the ones that I got would have fit since the earlier housings used 18mm joints. 
 So the 90-91 200 20vt and V8's UFO housings useds a 19mm ball joint and NOT an 18mm ball joint like what was reported by Scottieboy J.


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