[V8] No Fuel Pump Power

Jeff K jkaliszewski1 at roadrunner.com
Sat May 14 18:01:49 PDT 2011

Wow, getting really frustrated. Thought I had it figured out but no go. When I pulled the fuel pump out of the tank I hooked direct voltage to it and wala works fine. Put it back in the tank tried direct voltage and nothing, whats going on? Pulled back out of tank and put direct voltage on lines from connecter and nothing. Jiggled the wires a little bit and there it goes, got it, bad wiring from the connector to the pump. Cut the wires just below the connecter and spliced in new wires from below the connector to the pump. Put back in the car and bam, fires right up runs great, shut it off a couple of times and fired right back up. Tried it again in about a half hr and no go, cranks but no gas. Go back, un connect the connector for the pump and put direct voltage on the pump and nothing. Pull the pump out and put direct voltage to the pump connector and it runs, what the hell. Am I missing something or what. Should I be using special gauge wiring for the pump or what? Any help would really be great as this car is driving me crazy.

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