[V8] Mystery of headlights

kneale at coslink.net kneale at coslink.net
Thu May 26 13:40:01 PDT 2011

Actually, the DOT lights on a V8 are significantly better than what Audi
supplied on the 5K and 200 models.  I bought a set of V8 Eurolights and
never bothered to install them.

Original Message:
From: Seamus O'Carey cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 13:05:54 -0700
To: V8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] Mystery of headlights

Yep, wire in some relays and not only will you keep from melting the switch,
but you'll see better as well. It's one of the first things anyone should do
to a car they intend to drive at night.


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 5:26 AM, kneale at coslink.net
<kneale at coslink.net>wrote:

> Overheated wiring to the headlight switch, Roger.  If you remove the plug
> on the back of the switch assembly, you will find part of the plastic
> connector has melted onto the studs on the switch.  You MAY be able to
> clean the switch studs if the heating hasn't damaged the internals and get
> the plastic out of the holes in the connector.
> The ultimate fix is to relay the headlights so the power isn't all going
> through the switch and replace the switch and connector.
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: roger at acadiareaders.com roger at acadiareaders.com
> Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 18:07:46 -0400 (EDT)
> To: V8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] Mystery of headlights
> Before I start to dig into it, I have a fault in my V8 involving
> headlights.Â
> Once a while ago I lost my headlights' low beams. I was driving home from
> some
> place after dark and when switching from high beam to main beam suddenly I
> lost
> ALL headlights.  I frigged with the dipper switch and the on and off
> switch for
> a second or so, and found that the main beams would return if I flipped
> headlight flasher sharply.  Well and good.
> Â
> Today driving home from Rockland in the rain I noticed that I had no main
> beams
> at all, and couldn't get them to turn on, although high beams are working.
> Â
> I do not belive that the issue is related to bulb failure as my autocheck
> sysstem is silent.Â
> Â
> Any ideas?  I will be going out after dark to see if something is working
> or if
> perhaps the fault goes through to the interior dashboard lights, and that
> will
> give the fault search more diretion. Right now I am thinking that a relay
> has
> failed.
> Â
> Thoughts?
> Â
> Roger
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