[V8] Wiring Guru needed...

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Sun Nov 6 20:39:26 PST 2011

[Since you have reduced voltage at the switch on the door, I'd suggest
you have a door jamb wiring issue, Tom.  I can tell you from having
replaced ALL the wires in an Audi door jamb that it's impossible to
inspect all that mess enough to determine the condition of every wire.
I found compromised and broken bits I didn't know were damaged once I
had them all separated and started pulling one by one.]

Well Kneale, that wasn't the answer I was looking for.....Ha.  While  
I'd rather replace ALL the wires in the door, instead of having to  
find it somewhere else in that bundle that continues onward...was  
still hoping it's something simple.  The girlfriend is driving it now  
while I mess with her truck, so it's on the back burner.  Everything  
worked fine before it sat in the PNW for 3-4 years, so I'm hoping  
it's a corroded connector/ground somewhere.  The wire in question is  
the larger gauge brown/red wire to the #4 position on the safety  
switch.   Some of those go down to the #4 Kostal connector, then the  
bundle splits and some go thru the dash, others go to the rear...Is  
there another connector or ground between the Kostal and the wires  
that go to the other doors?  Anyway, it runs perfect, and it just  
wouldn't be right if everything worked perfectly huh?....Tom

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