[V8] Brake pedal feel issues

Cary Christopherson chri0975 at umn.edu
Tue Nov 29 17:08:11 PST 2011

Good evening,

Driving home this evening, partway through the drive I noticed my pedal feeling changed. The only way I can describe it is "grainy", as if the pedal is travelling through some sort of medium. This only occurs when the engine is running. Turning the car off results in this feeling going away. I have also noticed in the past couple days that the handbrake is requiring more pull to engage fully. The pedal may be a little softer than normal, but this perception could just be me thinking too hard. Also it seems to be making more "noise" when I push the pedal when the car is off, but this too could just be because I am listening harder!

The pedal stays soft for quite a few pumps when the car is off.

My first thought would be brake bomb, but would that not result in pedal hardness in a couple pumps after the car is off?

Thanks in advance for any insight!

Sent from my smartphone.

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