[V8] Major issue: Dead V8

Allan Vega allanvega at comcast.net
Sun Oct 9 06:44:33 PDT 2011

Roger, I agree with Kneale that your linkage is stuck. This happens with these cars when there not used for a little while. You will need to work the throttle with the engine off. A single attempt will not fix the problem, you will need to work it till you no longer feel that "binding" sensation .

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On Oct 9, 2011, at 9:13 AM, Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> wrote:

> You have a sticking throttle linkage.  Hopefully it's mostly the linkage at the back of the engine which you can get to by removing the air filter assembly.  A  few squirts of throttle body cleaner will get it loosened up enough to let the throttle go back to idle.  If it's really bad, you'll need to remove the idle control valve assembly at the front and try to get to the rest of the linkage with cleaner.
> On 10/9/2011 5:03 AM, Roger M. Woodbury wrote:
>> Well, now.  I had a nasty experience with the V8 yesterday.
>> The V8 has been resting in its garage all summer. I drove it last in late
>> August, going only the mile to the little store to put a few gallons of gas
>> into the tank, returning it immediately to its garage.  The summer has been
>> a full construction summer and the only vehicles needed for anything have
>> been the truck and the 100 Avant, so the V8 has been resting.  I have not
>> even renewed the registration on the car since I see no use for it until
>> next summer at the earliest.
>> I started the car, and it greatfully came to life.  I backed it out into the
>> driveway and let is sit for fifteen or twenty minutes just idling, and
>> letting the a/c work before shutting it down.
>> Later since my wife wanted to go shopping, I figured I'd move the v8 back
>> into its garage so she could get by without issue.
>> I started the engine and put the car into drive, edging forward toward the
>> garage door.  It didn't feel right though.  The accelerator felt like it was
>> hitting something, similar to the feel that it would have if it was hitting
>> a bunched up carpet.  I pushed more firmly on the accelerator and the
>> accelerator suddenly broke through whatever was making it feel stiff, and
>> the engine immediately went to full throttle.  I immediately went to neutral
>> and ignition off.
>> Restarting resulted in immediate full throttle once again, so now the car is
>> sitting just outside the garage, awaitiing further instructions.
>> I wonder if this is the familiar, cruise control rod failure?  The
>> accelerator seems pretty loose and flappy, so something is adrift or holding
>> it open somewhere.
>> Any BTDT?  I will not have time to deal with this today nor probably
>> tomorrow.  The electrician will be here sometime next week to install the
>> new main electrical entrance which will go in the wall of the garage where
>> the V8 lives, so for now the car can remain where it is.  But sometime I
>> will need to get under the hood and either release the nastiness so the car
>> is driveable, or call the flat bed and have the car towed to the wrench.
>> In three V8's that I have owned this is the first driveability issue I have
>> ever had.  (Other than the first one that suffered transmission failure, of
>> course).  FWIW, the cruise control on my car is inop due to a failed relay,
>> which I have but have never installed. The cruise control circuit is shut
>> off.
>> Roger
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