[V8] V8 Instrument cluster repair plan

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 07:27:46 PDT 2011

I'll see if I can dig up the pics somewhere around here.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Mike Arman <Armanmik at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Sounds like we have some significant interest in this amongst the Audi
> bretheren and sisteren.
> We'll want to have a website with pictures showing how to get the cluster
> out and back in again without breaking anything. "Pry on the speaker grilles
> here, don't drop the center pad screw down the defroster duct (DAMHIK), you
> can GENTLY wiggle the cluster out from behind the steering wheel if you put
> masking tape here and here to protect it, there are X connectors, and they
> come off like this (and there are (ISTR) three of them, a yellow, a white,
> etc.)" It has been a while since I did this on my car. Finally, don't put
> the dash pad back on until you are SURE everything works!
> I can host the website and do most of the copy, but I'll need pix.
> Repair sequence here - disassemble, resolder ALL the pins after inspection
> (jeweler's loupe + bright light), replace instrument bulbs as needed (wonder
> if we should just do them all, it will never be easier), contact cleaner on
> instrument light rheostat (replace if needed), contact enhancer on all
> connectors/plugs/**interconnects. Seal in plastic bag and pack in padded
> box with popcorn, etc.
> Item shipped USPS Priority Mail with delivery confirmation - fast, not
> expensive, traceable, should we get insurance? (How much?) USP/Fedex not an
> option, I am out in the woods and there is NO UPS/Fedex here, in fact, there
> is no mail delivery here either, I go to the post office every day anyway.
> Will need to know year/serial number/auto or 5 speed for the car, I want to
> keep proper records of what goes where.
> Will this repair cure ALL the mysterious electrical problems in a V8Q?
> Bwhahahahah!!! But it will cure the oddball stuff related to the instrument
> cluster such as erratic fuel gauge indications, erratic temp indications,
> instrument light flickers, autocheck ghosts and gremlins (and what else? - I
> *know* there's more!)
> Your thoughts are solicited - we can have this up and running in days, I'd
> like to ship out the first repaired board set this coming week!
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman
> 90V8Q
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