[V8] Wheels and speakers

Paul DAnneo padanneo at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 3 19:55:50 PDT 2012

Hello All,
I am looking forward to summer wheels now that the snow is disapearing in the sierra nevada's. We are at 55% of normal snowpack this year. Far cry from last year. 
Since I have new snow tires on the stock bbs' on the '91 V8,(which never saw snow till Almost Feb.) I am looking for a summer set. I find a few A4 multi spokes and fat 5's near me, but I was interested to know if anyone had run a set of steel's with chrome rings and baby moon's. Maybe a bit retro? I'm interested to see pics if this was done. Am also interested in what might be for sale.
Also wanting to work on the stereo. Delta is fine, not offensive to me. Just wanted to upgrade speakers. The stock amps are 1ohm(?), what happens if you put a 4ohm speaker into the enclosure run off the existing amp?  
I may just wind up doing the whole system.

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