[V8] > Anyone else this old?

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at fairpoint.net
Sun Apr 8 07:03:21 PDT 2012

I dunno....my first car was a 1958 Renault Dauphine.  It was the color of cherry pie filling and sometimes ran reasonably well.  I used to fantasize that I was driving a VW bug in it.  We all smoked in those days (who knew?), and one day the glowing end of a cigarette flew out the drivers window and into the back seat through the passenger door window which was open.  There was a little smoke and resulting damage to the rear seat cushion back pad.  

Naturally, my parents knew only to buy whatever the insurance agent thought best so the car had full coverage and I think a $25 deductible.  Renault was in the process of withdrawing from the US market entirely and there were NO Dauphine interior parts anywhere in their terribly little parts network and there was no way that they were going  to import any.  BUT as it happened they did have a very rare and (well, considering what it was) expensive Renault Gordini interior and they sold the whole thing to me for the price of the back seat cushions, INcluding door cars.  

It was very handsome, and compared to the otherwise box-stock Dauphine, very much an upgrade.  

The car was a hand-me-down from my older sister who had bought a new VW Bug and lived in out of state.  The reason I got it was that the Volkswagen dealer REFUSED to take I in trade!  

That’s how old I am.  Do I get a star on my forehead?


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