[V8] v8 on the road by friday!! (hopefully)

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Sun Feb 12 18:26:41 PST 2012

Having done this three times in the not so distant past, there are some tricks.  I believe the automatic tranny poses additional problems - and I have a manual, but these tips should still help:
After the mounting bolts are all off, and the steering column is off (don't break the clockspring!!!) the rack can be moved around a little
1: to get the hydraulic fittings off, use some really long extensions and locate the ratchet over between the engine and right shock tower.  You can even go all the way into the wheel well if you have enough extensions.  When you put things back together, this way you can use a torque wrench too.  I recommend this. The banjo bolts break easy.

2: remove the right distributor, right distributor mounting base plate, ignition coils, left distributor, fuel lines, and anything else that gets in your way. Unbelievably, the rack will come out through that tiny hole in the right wheel well.

The procedure in the bently is pretty good - they just don't have you remove the distributor base plate which gives a really critical extra 1/2 inch of clearance.


On Feb 12, 2012, at 1:55 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com wrote:

> I can't imagine not spending the $300 on a rebuilt rack/rebuilding the hoses while the motors out.  It took about 30-45 min with the motor out yesterday to remove the rack/hoses(ZF freshly rebuilt rack) with most of that time trying to get the frozen up yoke off thru the firewall.  Someone who's done it in place can chime in on how many hours it took just to get those hose fittings off.   It would also be a good time to replace the subframe bushings/control arms since you're paying for the labor to remove them anyway.  One of the subframe bushings on the parts car was pretty much missing, and both inner control arm bushings were split(125K) and the ends were loose.  It also had 1 bad front bearing which sucked as I planned on throwing the complete towers on the Black car to sell it.  You've already made a pretty major committment by paying for  the motor swap.....What's another $700...Ha.  Sincerely, Tom
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