[V8] 2231 code hell update....resolved!

ron_01056 at yahoo.com ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 4 11:24:50 PST 2012

Well had a chance to really look into this over the holiday and was finally able to fix the problem so I thought I would update......

 Well I was getting an air leak at the throttle body. There are 6 10mm bolts that bolt the top section of the tb to the lower. The two lower ones were loose cause the threads were weak. So I cleaned out the threaded holes on the intake and bought two longer bolts so they get more of the threaded hole and vwella,  no more codes!

 The car runs great now and I'm fully enjoying her again! 

90 V8 5sp aka the convert
91 V8 5sp aka Black Betty
91 200 20vt avant big huge turbo

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 7, 2011, at 6:15 PM, Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm still getting the code. 
> in addition I got the carbon canister code today and ISV code...which is different than the ISV control code I'm complaining about.
> So what Keith suggested to me is to unplug the ISV at the ISV and drive around. If the symptoms are still there then that would eliminate the ISV as being the problem. Next 
> I'm to run a jumper wire from the jump start post to the power wire at the ISV. If the problem goes away than there is a problem with the power wire. If it doesn't go away I'm to run a jumper wire from the back of the fuse at the fuse block for the ISV to the power wire for the ISV at the coastal connector.
>  All the above will eliminate whats wrong and whats not.This sound about rite?
>  Ron
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