[V8] Audi a8 99 tranny limp mode.

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Tue Jan 17 16:28:00 PST 2012

BTDT, first gear clutch basket is broken . Big job, trans has to come out and be opened up from the front. 30-40 hours labor if i had to guess. Replacement basket from ZF is $700. You can buy aftermarket upgraded baskets online for about $300. Did one on my A8 last year.

(Sent from my phone, if a word doesn't fit blame Siri)

On Jan 15, 2012, at 3:39 PM, Nicholas Miller <chance9121 at gmail.com> wrote:

> So I haven't had a ton of time to work on this with work and the holidays
> however I did two things so far.  I removed and cleaned the plug and didn't
> really get any results but it was sufficently corroded with a clear weird
> coating that peals off.
> Secondly I got a vagcom and read it.  The code says gear ratio incorrect
> under the automatic transmission heading.  So I am assuming its something
> to do with the mfs like previously thought.
> I will eventually change it out when I get a chance...
> Nick
> On Dec 17, 2011 7:38 PM, "NIck Miller" <chance9121 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> A8 question for you.  I have a car going into limp mode when starting
>> out.  The car is normal everytime you start it after shutting off.  Then
>> you turn it on, and put it in gear to take off.  It then goes as normal for
>> a minute till it needs to shift, and whence it does it makes a clunk noise
>> and goes to limp mode.
>> The gears seem fine.  The code says it doesn't have a signal for what gear
>> its in basically.  Ideas?  Multifunction sensor?  Bad solenoid?  Replace
>> trans?
>> Codes were read once, and tranny fluid and filter were replaced.
>> Thanks all,
>> Nick
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