[V8] What's it worth.....

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Thu Mar 29 23:22:12 PDT 2012

  "Wax poetic the virtues of awd, a good set of snows these days  
overcomes that unfair advantage pretty quickly".

Hey Scott, that's a pretty wierd comment from someone who's been to  
Steamboat Lake.  I don't see a lot of 7-series up in the mountains,  
and I'm pretty sure you saw none on the lake(or even in Steamboat).   
I Pulled a 540I out of the ditch this year with the V8 on the way to  
the mountain on a big day.  He had Blizzaks BTW, but the 6" of new  
after the plow(dumping) was just too much for the inadequate/ 
overpriced FWD car. (He had a tow strap in the trunk BTW as he had  
needed it on occasion).  You are comparing apples to solid gold  
oranges and you DO know the difference.   My old Saab would run  
circles around any 7-series on the ice, but my V-8 would kick the #$%  
out of my Saab with smooth road tires.  If you want to chat about  
740's. there's a website for that.......Tom

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