[V8] Announcement

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at fairpoint.net
Tue Oct 2 11:38:09 PDT 2012

Now on Amazon Kindle (or it should be momentarily) is “The Mists of Adriana”.  Here’s the promo:  
He is a writer and landscape photographer living on the coast of Maine. One of his greatest pleasures is driving on Mount Desert Island (home of Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor) in his Porsche 928, searching for interesting sights to photograph or perhaps just to see the sunrise. It is while enjoying one of these drives on a frosty late winter morning that he spots another Porsche. A woman is standing beside the car looking at a flat tire. Being a fellow Porsche owner, he naturally stops to try and help. Little does he realize his innocent offer of assistance will lead to adventure, danger, and involvements reaching far beyond the simple life that he knew—as he descends into “The Mists of Adriana.”

I hope everyone enjoys reading Adriana’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


P.S.  Oh, yeah.  All proceeds go to the upkeep of my V8!  (Required Audi content!  And I know I said that before!)

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