[V8] V8 Auto Front Axle Flange Seals

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Sun Sep 23 18:32:55 PDT 2012

Hey, since I didn't get any response before, and was back in there  
today and hoping to finish this up this week, just checking with  
anyone's who's done this recently.   I bought seal #8("oil" seal to  
flange) and when I removed the flange(with the magnetic plastic  
speedo ring on it), it's all packed with grease, and looking into the  
hole, there's a bearing(also packed with grease) and a circlip....no  
gear oil.  There appears to be another oil seal(#32) behind the  
bearing(#5 and simply listed as "no replacement").   Left side  
appears to be the leaker side, so just trying to do it while I'm in  
there and since I see no gear oil in the hole, then maybe it's  
#32).   Anyway, I did this on the Lago car 10 yrs ago, but  probably  
just did that outer seal.  Just wondering if that speedo ring area is  
supposed to be "dry" and greased, or wet with gear oil.....Also, that  
inner seal is listed as 018 409 399H, and I've got 2 seals for the 5- 
speed listed @ 016 409 399B......just wondering if anyone know's if  
those are actually the same seal.  I just want to sell it, but want  
to do whatever I can while it's apart to make it right.... Tom


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