[V8] No start suspect fuel pump

Ronald G Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 22 18:17:20 PDT 2013

Just wanted to update.....

I got an 044 high output pump. It's a 60mm pump but didn't fit in the basket cause the top screen on the housing was overlapping the hole. So I cut it off flush & the pump dropped in. 
 Bolted everything back up & she fired rite up.
 I've had great luck over the 20 odd years I've owned Audis in that the pump died on me in my driveway and not on the road somewhere. 
 Just a little reassurance too u all that the Audi GODS smile down on us few who worship these cars!!! I truly love these cars!!!


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On Apr 14, 2013, at 11:22 PM, Ronald G Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Yeah forgot too say I did check the fuse & it was good. All so checked the motronic fuses & the injector fuse & they were good as well.
> It's just that after cranking & cranking while pressing on the gas pedal I would have smelt fuel but didn't. So that's when I swapped another fuel pump relay. When that didn't work I used a jumper wire to bridge the 2 big spade holes & still nothing. 
> I suppose I could crack the feed line to the fuel rail & actuate the fuel pump too c if fuel comes out if the line..... But I'm just leaning toward the pump is bad no matter what other tests I run.....
> Thanx
> Ron 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 14, 2013, at 10:15 PM, "Tony and Lillie" <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Also double check that the FP fuse is good. But if it is, yes, the pump is dead :(
>> Tony
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald G Wainwright" <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
>> To: <v8 at audifans.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:10 PM
>> Subject: [V8] No start suspect fuel pump
>>> The story is semi normal I guess.....
>>> cars been starting no problem cept for this morn..... Turned key like any other day & car came to life but quickly stalled. Tried cranking, cranking, cranking..... Nothing. Waited another minute and car started.
>>> I let her idle etc for a while and turned her off too put the belly pan back on. Went to start again to move & the car fired but stalked rite away. So I pulled the fuel pump relay & used a jumper wire to c if the pump would turn on and it doesn't.
>>> So that sound like the pump is gone rite?
>>> Thanx
>>> Ron
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