[V8] Auto Transmission seal source?

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 24 06:29:48 PDT 2013

Hey guys,
  Haven't been on here in awhile, was hoping someone could help me?  I am working on a v8 quattro for a customer.  His auto trans is leaking badly from all the seals.  I can source all the seals except for the two that go on both ends of the shaft that runs outside the trans in a plastic tube.  This trans was used in alot of cars of tha era, Audi just added a transfer case and front differential to make it AWD - I guess thats why I can't find the seals?  I have tried the dealer, I have tried ZF and the web - I just can't find these seals anywhere?  Anyone got any Ideas?  BTW - I wouldn't pay $70 for an o-ring either - But at this point I would for these seals!  Thanks.

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