[V8] 2002 A6 Quattro V8 4.2L. Starting problem

John Zofchak johninthewoods at gmail.com
Sun Aug 18 18:40:06 PDT 2013

It came from western PA.  Supposedly "garaged".  It had a significant
amount of maintenance done recently like timing belt kit water pump and the
like so I thought it would be a good buy.  If I can get some cash back
through eBay I will probably look into a service contract with a
top company.  It did run really well while it did.  I may have touched
whatever is wrong, as it did start once after not starting.  I had been
checking hoses and wires ans such.  So possibly whatever it is, once fixed
it should be great again.
Where is the ECU located.  I don't even have an owners manual.

On Sunday, August 18, 2013, Kent McLean wrote:

> John Zofchak wrote:
>> I also have weird voltages on the fuse block.  3.5v on several including
>> the ECU and the fuel  pump fuse
> Where did the car come from?  Was it in a hurricane zone (like NJ/NY and
> Sandy) and get flooded?
> I bought for cheap a '96 100 that had a windshield leak that allowed the
> ECU to short out. A replacement ECU and some splicing in of a new ECU
> connector and that car was good for a few more years until I sold it.
> I'd poke around the ECU area to see if it looks clean or not.
> --
> Kent McLean
> '02 VW Beetle TDI, and a lot of former Audis including Bad Puppy
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