[V8] heater hose replacement

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Fri Aug 23 22:05:01 PDT 2013

On the timing belt issue, I recently did one on the Black car that I  
sold to a friend's son and got the kit from Blau.  I already put the  
waterpump on, and later when I went to finish up the timing belt, the  
"Stop A" that bolts to the waterpump(only threaded hole in the pump),  
the bolt wouldn't thread in.  I checked, and it barely had any  
threads, and appears that it was drilled too big (5.5mm? instead of  
5)......anyway, I called them, and he pulled on off the shelf, and it  
had no threads whatsoever......It's a Saleri pump from Italy, and he  
still hasn't gotten back to me.  I had no choice but to throw the old  
one back in.  Belt that was in there looked new, but I dug into it  
because the tensioner was way too loose.  Previous person also did  
the oil pump bearing, and pretty sure they bought the entire assembly  
from dealer(looked shiny, as did most of everything under  
there)....so I'm not that worried about that pump, but it did piss me  
off that the new one wasn't useable.  I could have tapped it to 6,  
but then the elliptical slot in the "Stop A" might not fit, and  
decided to just put the newish looking pump back in.  Blau know's of  
the problem, and will check back with them on Monday(since this  
reminded me to do so)......Aside from that, I'd buy it from Blau,  
since it's the best deal, and I got a free serpentine belt  
also.....Anyone have another source, that would be great.....Tom

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