[V8] Oil leak on header

Steve B urq at pacbell.net
Mon Aug 26 19:16:57 PDT 2013

Are you sure it is engine oil?  I've had far more issues with hydraulic fluid leaks from the steering rack & associated hoses.

Steve Buchholz

chris brown <sacheldog at hotmail.com> wrote:

>Well i have not driven the car more than 900 miles all summer. And After all that sitting i started her and drove it a hour o so and i;ve got a oil leak, a pretty good one too. Leaking onto the left header all the way in the back by the distributer.  It's causing a pretty good smoke too. 
> Ive heard i need to check three things. re torque dist mounts, heads, and valve covers.  
> Are these relatively easy things to do? Do i need any special tools? What LBS. do i torque these things to? 
> Planing on driving her a few hundred miles over the Labor day holiday and want to tighten these three things.   
> thanks.
> Chris  1990 V8 		 	   		  
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