[V8] Old Content - T-belt Parts Rant! (Hee-Hee!)
Dave Saad
dsaad at icehouse.net
Tue Aug 27 18:53:43 PDT 2013
I would bet that noise is actually the t-belt tensioner pivot. Have you had a water pump leak? Any coolant drip down through the t- belt cover? If my theory holds, you can get some penetrating oil on the pivot by removing only the left side timing cover.
I finally solved my noise by cleaning up the pivot bushing real good and then lube with graphite. It has been years now and no noise.
When coolant gets into the bushing it turns to hard sticky gunk that prevents the tensioner from working. The noise radiates all over the place. When people (like me) replace the oil pump bearing, they accidentally fix the problem just by cleaning things up.
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On Aug 27, 2013, at 6:31 PM, "toml99 at todomundo.com" <toml99 at todomundo.com> wrote:
> Yeah, my 5-speed came to me with a fresh belt job courtesy of the previous owner who was a tech @ the high end "Fat City German Auto" in Seattle. Now 20K later, a bearing(oil pump bearing probably) is getting louder by the day and now I've got to deal with it....If he'd replaced everything, like I would have, I wouldn't have this problem.....Tom
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