[V8] Merry Christmas!

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Mon Dec 30 00:37:08 PST 2013

Merry Christmas also Professor, list has been kinda slow lately and  
my guess is people are getting older/old farts know what's up, new  
farts are elsewhere since there's no traffic here.  If it weren't for  
this list I would probably have passed on my Lago car 12 yrs ago, as  
I knew nothing about Audi's......I LOVE MY CAR(s)......We all know  
there's more collective knowledge in the people that check this list,  
than anywhere on the planet regarding this car, so all you slackers  
out there, chime in as it's Christmas....just to keep it  
alive...Ha...Sincerely, and to all a good night....Tom

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