[V8] Windows

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Feb 6 06:25:08 PST 2013

I find that the least used windows give me the most trouble - in any car. Weird.


On Feb 5, 2013, at 11:40 PM, Tom Laplante wrote:

> Hey, well since the site is so slow, I thought I'd post my recent window revelation.  Chris's recent stuff about his windows got me motivated to mess with my barely driven Lago's window issues.  I parked it for 3-4 yrs while I got around to doing the timing belt....anyway, after that, only the drivers window would work.  I assumed the worst(mouse eaten wires/some corroded ground somewhere inconvienent)......Anyway, Superbowl Sunday, I had a rainfree window early and decided to mess with it.  Got voltage everywhere(rear lighter/both switches/pass switch), then I decided to check the RR window motor(had the switch out) by hooking up a spare battery to the motor leads....got nothing.  While I haven't done the same to the other 3, I'm guessing 22 yo grease/lack of use has those all gummed up.  Since I don't really drive the car, it's been on the bottom of the list of things to do, but plan on pulling that door apart when I've got time, and see if some spray/lube/persuasion can get that window to move......Tom
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