[V8] Flush Trans

Professor GT gmail CavalloGT at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 19:51:40 PST 2013


This has been covered here before, but no worries. Some of us like to hear ourselves talk! LOL, just kidding. Really it's all about helping each other, so here goes:

If the Trans is working properly chances are very good it will continue to operate fine on synthetic as it is a superior product.

If the dry fill capacity is let's say 12 quarts (just guessing - check the FSM) that's the F.....F......F..........Factory Service Manual, then buy at least that much new fluid.

Now, I usually drop the pan and replace the pickup screen, (no, that's not a filter, just a screen to keep out the big chunks). This will give you a good idea of clutch condition; if all thats there is fine silt you're good to go. If there are chunks, that's bad news. Anyway, if its working fine now, and pulling the pan is too big a deal because of the wonderful design of the head pipe, just disconnect the line going back to the Trans from the radiator, (at the trans) and extend it with rubber hose so you can reach a 5 gallon bucket.

Now, have your lovely assistant ( you have a lovely assistant don't you?) start the engine while you attend to the hose in the bucket. It will push fluid out in a nice strong stream, but nothing too aggressive. AS SOON AS IT STARTS TO SPIT AND SPUTTER, have your lovely assistant shut down the engine right away (you don't want to run the pump dry and damage it).
Next, fill the Trans ( it's okay to go above the full mark: remember you are filling it with the engine off, with new oil.

Now start it again, I mean have that lovely assistant start it again and let it keep pumping out the old fluid until once again it spits. 
Have, you know who, shut it down again, and then fill it back up again with fresh fluid. 

Continue this process until you get clean fluid coming out, (remember to leave yourself enough fluid for the final fill/top off). At that point, stop, reattach the cooler return line, and then refill the Trans one last time leaving room for heat expansion and thereby being sure not to overfill it. Be sure to drive it for at least 10 miles or so ( with that lovely assistant!) to make sure it is fully warmed up before doing your final running fluid check, (again being sure not to overfill it).

The fluid path is from the pump to the converter, then to the cooler, and then back to the trans to lube the gear set with cooled fluid. 
So, by following this procedure you are using the front pump to flush the Trans and the torque converter in one shot, and saving yourself a ton of clams! So much so, that you can treat that lovely assistant  of yours to the dinner of her choice for being so helpful! LOL!

Good luck!


(Sent from my iPhone4)

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