[V8] V8 Hotel California

Tom Laplante toml99 at todomundo.com
Mon Jan 21 18:27:02 PST 2013

Hey Kevin, pretty sure he's referring to the 2000 A6 that he just  
bought and he's dying to figure out why that check engine light keeps  
coming on maybe....Ha.  He's under the impression that someone will  
actually buy his V8 and he'll be free and clear of it, but I'm  
thinking when it comes down to crushing it, he might have a "moment of  
clarity" and realize that it's certainly worth more than $300 and will  
fix it.  I tried to figure out why my friend's 2000 A6 wagon(3.0 Auto)  
kept getting the Torque Converter code, and found out that there's a  
known crappy $4 O-ring seal that you have to be moderately motivated  
to fix.....the A6 site was pretty slow at the time.  "We haven't had  
that vintage here since 1994"....Tom

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