[V8] How to spend some time...while your tires are being changed....

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at fairpoint.net
Tue Jan 22 05:53:29 PST 2013

If anyone is doing mundane chores like waiting for a bus, commuting someplace, waiting while your car's oil is being changed or perhaps waiting to see your proctologist, I have something for you to do. (In case your chore is the latter, I will guarantee my idea is MUCH more fun!). Why not pick up a copy of my new book of short stories, entitled "Grampa's Favorite Rock and other stories"?

It's only about 65 pages in total and will give you the absolute authoritarian views of Christopher Columbus, George Washington, George W. Bush and yes, even Adolf Hitler!

And in case you aren't content with just history lectures, you will be able to read the story of "Psychocat" and of course, there are the short-short stories about a piece of real estate in one family for generations and how each generation used it, thinking perhaps they were somehow unique, while after all, they were always the same.

Grampa's Favorite Rock and Other Stories....now on Amazon for Kindle and Smashwords and soon on all major ebook sellers. And yes! Soon in paperback as well. 

Best of all folks: ninety-nine cents! And I am pretty sure it's worth at least that!

Here's the link:http://www.amazon.com/Grampas-Favorite-Other-Stories-ebook/dp/B00B3HSZ4M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1358862018&sr=8-1&keywords=Grampa%27s+Favorite+Rock

OK, OK, OK...so it’s a shameless act of self promotion!  It would be a whole lot better than reading Sports Afield while you’re waiting for that proctologist, ya know!

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