[V8] Interior changes

Kevin Wahaus kwahaus at mac.com
Tue Jan 29 16:32:51 PST 2013

Working on the interior is VERY FAR DOWN on my priority list but I've been doing some thinking. First off, not a fan of the gray. One of the problems is that the materials fade/age at different rates so what was once a perfectly colo-coordinated interior now has "50 shades of gray". That's one reason prefer black and it's easier to keep clean. And, except for the parcel shelf, most of the black pieces will match twenty years later (my '91 100 I just sold was a good example). On my V8, the steering wheel in particular is pretty discolored. Sun faded mostly.

Also not a fan of burled walnut. Now, it looked great in my Bentley, but that was a Bentley. The Zebrano wood in the 100/200s — I really dig. Even the grayish wood in the S8 was ok. So let the hating begin...I'm thinking of changing it. Some of the options I've seen are faux carbon fiber, piano black and satin silver. Has anyone done something like this on their V8. If so, let's see some pics.


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