[V8] '93 Acceleration Vibration

Seamus O'Carey cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 13:34:36 PDT 2013

The torque converter could be failing. This is what seems to have happened
to mine recently. It felt like wheel hop at first, but it would happen even
if I wasn't stepping on it hard. At this point it immediately goes into
limp mode and I can press the pedal to the floor and the car will only
barely move.

I've heard of some people having good luck with just draining the fluid and
changing the filter, but if the TC is shot there's not much that can be
done except replace it.

Good luck


On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Samuel Mrowka <smrowka at gmail.com> wrote:

> There's a pretty crazy shake throughout the car when accelerating (steady
> speed is normal). Got the car up on 4 jack stands, got a buddy to gun the
> throttle several times, but the rear-end is totally fine. Put the E-brake
> on so only the front wheels were spinning, and I get the same vibration.
> Axles and CV joints look normal, engine and tranny mounts are fine...what
> the heck?
> Samuel
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