[V8] Craigslist car

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Thu Mar 7 23:17:23 PST 2013

Don't recall Gemini Blue being a V8 color...Looks like Lago to me.   
Sad thing is that if it were any number of  other 1990 Make/models  
with that low mileage, the price would be higher...The world just  
seems to hate these cars.  I recently saw a mint 88 Scircocco(sp?) 
with 75K sell for $5000, which didn't sound unreasonable.  A 77  
Toyota Hilux 2wd truck(shinier version of my old truck) also recently  
sold for $3800 w/ 90K.  Rant over...Tom


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