[V8] Pentosin crisis

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Mar 18 14:37:23 PDT 2013

Audi also says that the transmission must be replaced as a complete unit.
 11S is backward compatible, Napa bought all the 7.1 in bulk when Audi
cleared it's shelves more than 10 years ago, there are  a few bottles on
the shelf at the local Napa, and they look like they've been around
longer than the store.  Mobil 1 synthetic transmission fluid is
compatible, several people are using it with no problems.  I haven't put
a drop of Pentosin brand anything in any of my Audi's or other Teutonic
beasts in decades because of the ridiculous price and the fact that the
substitutes work just as well.  Mobil changed the DTE designation, these
have all been used with no detrimental effects by other V8Q owners,
Chevron and a few others are missing from the list because I have never
seen those here in the North East.  

Copied from a previous post on the subject:

Atlantic ISO 10, 32, 46, 68, 100
BP Bartran 10, 32,Â* 46, 68, 100
Caltex Rando HD 10, 22, 32, 46, 68, 100
Castrol Hyspin AWS 10, 32, 46, 68, 100
Mobil DTE 24, 25, 26, 27
Shell Tellus 10, 32, 46, 68, 100
Valvoline Ultramax All Fleet 10W 10, 32, 46, 68, 100
Ampol Tecoma 10, 32, 46, 68, 100

What's the new Gold Infused steering fluid the dealer peddles going for
now, $25 a quart?  Not surprised they're not stocking any fluid for the
type 44's anymore, as they are more than 10 years old.  I would trust the
couple hundred V8Q and type 44 owners with decades of actual experience
more as much as any tech who might have seen or worked on 2 or 3 V8Q's in
his entire career.  Might be the greatest tech in the world, but you know
what you work on regularly, and there's no tech out there anymore who
regularly works on V8Q's.  11S and 7,1 are completely compatible, Audi
dealers have only been allowed to restock with 11S since it came out, and
it uses the same part number as in the Audi Bulletin I quoted. 

If it's a religious thing, let me know and I will be happy to check and
see if the local Napa still has the 7.1 on the shelf, if they do I can
pick up a couple quarts for you.  No idea of what they're asking for it,
probably around $20 a can.

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

On Mon, 18 Mar 2013 16:52:25 -0400 Acadian Lion <Acadianlion at hotmail.com>
Well, all this information is very interesting in that it is so diverse. 
Standing in the Audi dealer last Friday, I read the label on the current
Audi power steering fluid (which is all they stock), and it specifically
states on the container that it is NOT to be used with CHF 7.1.  They
stock no 11S nor does anyone else I have spoken to from Belfast to
Bangor, Maine.  VIP and NAPA can order 7.1 and VIP will eventually stock
11S once the changeover to O’Reilly Auto Parts is complete, which is a
couple of month.

The reason I search for 7.1 is because that is what is in my car, which
was built in mid 1989 as a 1990 model. It is also the fluid the Audi
dealer that I do have some trust for, used and was strict in their
instructions. The service manager at that time was the service manager in
that store when my car was sold new, so I had a certain level of trust. 
Also, the mechanic in that Audi store, who was the ONLY Audi dealer tech
to have touched my car was trained by Audi at the time of the V8 rollout.
 (Yes, their gray hair was grayer than mine!). I have NEVER seen 11S on
any of the autoparts shelves I have looked for here, although I have seen
7.1 in VIP and sometime ago, I seem to remember seeing it in NAPA. We
have few other autoparts outlets.


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