[V8] New member with questions

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 31 19:29:43 PDT 2013


Couple of things.

There is a wreitup on the timing belt in the audifans wiki. Done my me, 
added to by several others. Pretty simple, but very time consuming your 
first time. I also like everything clean.

I also don't lower my cars, and I live in smooth-roads-Texas. There are some 
that benifit from it, IMO the V8 is not one of them. If you are going for a 
certain "look", that is one thing. But from a performance standpoint, you 
can give a car negative handling aspects while attempting to improve the 
center of gravity issue. IME, the Type 44's are one of them. I can see maybe 
going 1/2" or so. But, I've driven two that were about 2" dropped, and did 
not handle/ride well compared to stock. And, I"ve driven three that were not 
much off stock height (two 5-speeds from this list) but with aftermarked 
springs/shocks that rode/handled far better than the lower ones.

You can switch to the G60's for lower cost in the long run, but the braking 
performance suffers accordingly.

They are great cars, and the 5-speeds are the best of them IMO. But, even 
the auto's are very satisfying to drive, and have a little better highway 

Keep us up to date, love to hear about V8's getting some love!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <andrewjness at hotmail.com>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 2:19 PM
Subject: [V8] New member with questions

> Hello all,
> Just joined the list yesterday and thought I would introduce myself.  Name 
> is Andrew and I'm a Contracting Officer for the Air Force.  This past 
> Saturday I acquired an excellent condition 91 factory 5 spd.  Flew in to 
> Chicago where the owner picked me up in the car to do the two hours back 
> to his house in Indiana.  I drove the 10 hours home to DC that same day. 
> A little exhausting, but it couldn't be more comfortable in the sport 
> seats!
> However, the car is not without its quirks...  I've made a project thread 
> on motorgeek that outlines some of the issues it has.  If any of you care 
> to comment, it would be much appreciated!
> Http://motorgeek.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=51408
> I would also like to lower the car and convert the UFO housings/brakes to 
> something a bit less costly.  Also need camber plates, springs, shocks, 
> younameit.
> Looking forward to learning more!  Always loved the V8s and now I finally 
> have one!
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