[V8] Don't be upset ;-)

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Tue May 28 12:19:56 PDT 2013

> Mike, you were right, I was out of gas! This is mortifying. I could blame
> it on being blond but

Don't be upset - there but for the grace of the Audi Gods go many of us. Including me.

Experience gives the test first, then the lesson.

Many years ago I was fixing stereo equipment - someone called me, their system was dead, could I 
come look at it.

At least this one was easy. The power cord of the amplifier was plugged into the amplifier's own 
accessory outlet. Perpetual motion didn't work then, and doesn't work now. I just sighed, plugged 
the power cord into the wall outlet, and bingo, music.

Murphy is alive and well, we ignore him at our peril!

I always remember what Edison (is reputed to have) said when he was trying to develop the light bulb 
and had tried something like 10,000 possible materials for filaments and none of them worked.

"This has NOT been a failure, I know 10,000 things that DON'T work!"

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
90V8Q, and lots of other "stuff" to make misteaks on.

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