[V8] interested in increasing fuel economy?

Scott DeWitt scotty at advancedautomotion.com
Thu Nov 7 11:26:00 PST 2013

It's an interesting question but if you want fuel economy, your in the
wrong car. i suspect the device your speaking of costs several hundred
dollars at a minimum and I doubt that you'll increase economy more than a
few MPG which would mean your ROI will be very long. The best thing that
one can do to increase fuel economy is air up the tires to the max
recommend pressure and drive like your driving Miss Daisy and that doesn't
cost a dime.


On Thu, November 7, 2013 12:06 pm, brat boy wrote:
> I was browsing our auto transmission online because I have such an active
> and exciting life. I ran across a forum of BMW 8 Series owners whose cars
> use the RWD version of our box. A forum member in Germany hated the fuel
> economy and decided to get an engineer involved and they developed an
> add-on box that makes the transmission kickdown come in earlier. It even
> looks like the units might connect directly to our transmission control
> units without their having to change the software. My question is, would
> anybody be interested something like this?
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Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
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