[V8] Parting Out

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Oct 10 11:00:48 PDT 2013

I know you're supposed to post in buying/selling etc.  But the traffic on
this list is so small post your needs here.  I've got a few I can pull
parts from, but it all depends on how difficult it would be to pull them.
 ;-)    Not much spare time these days.
Shokan absolutely sucks, if they had the only part in the world I needed,
I would junk the car before buying from them.
You could also try Chris Semple in NH, he is a member of this list, or
used to be anyway, and has always been fair in the few dealings I've had
with him.  http://www.force5auto.com/

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

Ricky Joshi <rickyjoshi01 at gmail.com> writes:
> Is anyone on the list currently parting out a V8?  I was going to buy 
> from
> shokan and just couldn't believe the prices they wanted!

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