[V8] the V8 is upset

Paul Jäger pjager81 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 07:30:05 PDT 2013

I think the engrs at audi and land rover got together to produce the most technically challenged gas guzzler ever to hit the road. Just kiddin but there are a TON of them fs out here. After my R wagon burnt I was looking at them 5k to 10k range, but the fuel costs were insane for the space so I went and got another R wagon with M66. 300 Hp 2.5 l 10l/100km mixed driving 

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On 2013-09-13, at 6:03 AM, Kneale Brownson <kneale at knitknacks.com> wrote:

> The airbags on Allroads are wear items, just like tires.  They eventually leak, but they're easily (at least the fronts) replaced.  How soon they leak depends upon user abuses.  The system is designed to stay at the Level 2 except for occasions where greater height is needed or when driving in excess of 80 mph, in which case the system goes automatically to Level 1.  But some folks don't like the "look" of Level 2 with its gap between the tire circumference and the shape of the wheelwell, so they drive ALL the time in Level 1.  That makes the bags fold over on themselves and encourages cracking, just as if you ran your tires all the time with 10 psi of air.
> On 9/12/2013 9:39 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com wrote:
>> Hey Dave, my ex's dad replaced both V8's with Allroads(2.7t and 4.2) which is why he gave me the Lago car back in 02.....Both had issues with the pneumatic suspension, and if I'm not mistaken, 2 Bennett makes coilovers to replace that and have been told they are nice.  Way better ski car than the V8, but one of these day's I'll get around to getting a rack....Enjoy....Tom
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