[V8] factory/dealer repair manuals

Allan Vega allanvega at comcast.net
Thu Feb 13 18:23:48 PST 2014

Guess it really depends on which version you have. In 2004, I paid over $300 for a set that had all the updates 3.6 auto and manual cars, as well as 4.2 version cars. The wiring is very different between the 3 cars. I ended up selling that set for a little less, back in 2007 when I thought I was getting out of the V8 game. My current set came free with a bunch of v8 parts, but has zero updates. The reality is this, the manuals are available in full in both PDF, and ALLDATA for little to no money.  Only people into having original Audi literature are going to be willing to pay a premium for the three ring binders. Your best bet, is to put them on eBay, this will get you a fair market value, as well as expose the manuals to greater amount of v8 owners that are out there, but not necessarily on this list.
Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 13, 2014, at 9:03 PM, too many quattros <thequattroking at yahoo.com> wrote:
> keep trying!  
> Shayne
> 1972 mercedes benz 280 se 4.5
> 1986 audi 4000 cs quattro
> 1990 audi coupe quattro
> 1995 audi S6
>> On 2/14/14, 2:52, "Allan Vega" <allanvega at comcast.net> wrote:
>> $10
>> Btw, I'll take both sets ;-)
>> Allan
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 13, 2014, at 8:49 PM, too many quattros
>>> <thequattroking at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> just curious if anyone has an idea what these are worth.  I have two
>>> full
>>> sets for dealer repair manuals.  any idea?  thanks.  shayne.
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