[V8] D1 vs. D11

bkrussow at comcast.net bkrussow at comcast.net
Mon Jan 6 15:57:06 PST 2014

To the best of my knowledge the correct model designation is D11, in Germany, the US and ROW, and always has been. 
D1 did not come up as a model name until the A8 was called D2. 
Then I think people asked what happened to D1? 
Ohhhhh, that must be the old V8q. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Bastian Preindl" <bastian at preindl.net> 
To: "Audifans V8 Mailinglist" <v8 at audifans.com> 
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2014 5:18:49 PM 
Subject: [V8] D1 vs. D11 

Hi guys, 

for curiosity: In Germany the Audi V8 ist also known as "D11", whereas 
the first A8 is called "D2". Logically, the Audi V8 is the "D1", as it 
is called officially by Audi as well. Still, the German vehilce 
documents state "Audi V8 D11". Now I wonder: What's written in the US 
vehicle documents? 

Or does anybody of you have any *reliable* knowledge of what the "D11" 
could mean? 

Thanks and best regards 

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