[V8] 5-speed no start

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Tue Jun 3 21:08:25 PDT 2014

Dave, Tried 2 known good ones and also tried jumping....no juice to  
either relay or fuse 13.  So I'm thinking it's either a wire/Starter  
switch/or ECU, just haven't had time to check any of that.  I just  
hate electrical stuff, and even though I've had some good coaching,  
still have a hard time with the wiring diagrams.  I just fixed up a  
friend's 81 Honda 400 bike so a friend's son could get around (who  
killed his car/my old 87 Saab) and that was a joy.....The entire  
wiring harness is about the same as the trunk harness on the V8. 

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