[V8] Fender removal question

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Tue Nov 11 07:32:28 PST 2014

Yeah, I think winter is basically everywhere this week.  This is all  
from memory, but I'm sure the bumper should be off/slid forward to  
get at front lower(inner?) bolts.  I removed all the screws holding  
the fender liner and carefully bent it and pulled it out.  If you  
mean the 4" plastic with the Audi logo, it's got 2 nylon nuts on the  
back.  The lower thingy that covers the bottom bolts near door has a  
plastic clip holding it on, and think I broke one on removal....might  
want to heatgun/warm it up before trying.  Might even be a screw from  
the back/inside....double check that before prying as I know I  
learned the hard way on some piece of trim.  There's only 1 rivet to  
drill, but the top screw spot in doorjamb is also glued on and once  
again, heatgun might help soften it as it doesn't want to just let  
go.  Good luck, and if you need a pic, can dig out a fender....good  
luck, Tom

I've got a bunch of body panels from rust-free Washington if anyone  
needs anything....have no room for them

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