[V8] Sputtering, stalling, and balking

rasrunnit at yahoo.com rasrunnit at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 6 21:14:52 PDT 2014

After seven hours at the shop they were unable to find the problem. They checked fuel pressure, distributer caps, o2 sensor, and tried but failed to get the codes. They only charged me one hour labor.
 I then sputtered over to an auto parts store lot and pulled the coolant temp sensor connector. Voila problem gone. I can change it out tmrw at my friends spot.

Thanks guys. You rock!
Now on to the redwoods...

Jason Bass

On Oct 6, 2014, at 7:07 PM, "toml99 at todomundo.com" <toml99 at todomundo.com> wrote:

> Definately get them to blink out the codes first and hopefully it's something on Scott's list.  If no obvious codes, I'd check both distributors/wires/coils.  Since you made a comment about "mashing the pedal"...I remember someone who had bad motor mounts(don't we all), and when "mashing", engine twisted enough to crack a cap.  If they find it's a "whatever", let me know, and I'll put one in the mail....good luck, Tom
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