[V8] to the junk yard

kyle leatherwood kyle_leatherwood at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 25 13:33:57 PDT 2014

I must say that I must agree with this statement..  Nicely written and spot on as to the  v8 market..

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 25, 2014, at 2:51 PM, CavalloGT <cavallogt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Scott J,
> That was a well stated, clear and cogent description of the current state of V8 affairs: a shame for such a nice, but definitely "needy" vehicle. (Maybe some day demand will change in a positive direction but I won't hold my breath.)
> What distinguishes you, is that you were able to make your point respectfully, and without arrogance.
> Thank you for being a kind professional. 
> Sincerely,
> ProfessorGT
> (Sent from my iPhone4)
>> On Sep 24, 2014, at 5:22 PM, Scott Justusson <qshipq at aol.com> wrote:
>> I'll jump in as a different Scott.  Right now v8 are likely worth more as parts than whole.  Here's the math...  Take the tail lights off:  150$ to the 4kq/5kq lads.  Take the rear torsen off:  350-400 to the Scar lads.  Take the front uprights out:  $100 to the C4 chassis guys wanting to do HP2 brake upgrades:  The rest goes to the yard for another 250-300.  
>> There's almost a grand there that most owners can't get a call on for a *running* 3.6 car.
>> After owning a shop for many years, I too find v8 owners some of the most frugal (does that help) car owners on the planet...  Audi owners in general a close second.
>> Most v8 have fallen to the wrecking yard.  Frugality only unintentionally accelerates the path.
>> Find some less bitter coffee?  Your point is lost in the reality of what has happened to the v8 'market'.  There isn't one.
>> Scott J
>> 91 v8 getting close to making the call
>> 92 v8 losing flavor quickly
>> ---- Original Message ----
>> From: CavalloGT <cavallogt at gmail.com>
>> To: scotty <scotty at advancedautomotion.com>; v8 <v8 at audifans.com>
>> Cc: v8 <v8 at audifans.com>
>> Sent: Wed, Sep 24, 2014 9:35 am
>> Subject: Re: [V8] to the junk yard
>> Scott,
>> In response to your latest flatulence:
>> You mean you'd "just as soon" save them for your V8, ............ 
>> You can't assume you'll save them because if you haven't sold them already, by 
>> default you ARE saving them. LOL!
>> Yes, some folks are just plain cheap, but some of us V8 owners may be "cheap", 
>> not out of choice, but out of financial circumstance.  Either way, I don't judge 
>> because I've learned that you never know what motivates someone else till you 
>> walk a mile in his shoes.
>> Are some folks offensive? Sure, but that's their problem, not everyone else's, 
>> unless they allow themselves to be annoyed by such folks.
>> If you have bags of money and can spend it without being "cheap", GOD Bless you!
>> I've also found however that many times folks who have lots of money are the 
>> cheapest misers out there! They bitch about prices when they are buying, but 
>> when the shoe is on the other foot and they're selling, they call everyone else 
>> cheap when they can't get there inflated price. 
>> Regardless, it's all good because market demand ultimately decides what things 
>> are worth, or more appropriately stated, what they will sell for, regardless of 
>> what we may think they're worth.
>> Ironically, if it weren't for us "cheapskates" most of the V8s that are still on 
>> the road would have already fallen prey to the "wrecking yard". I know as far as 
>> my situation goes, I do not want to part with my 5-speed, but I cannot afford to 
>> keep it at this juncture in my life. 
>> I'm hanging on to the 92 V8 I have as one of our brethren worked some of his 
>> magic on the car previously, and my desire is to use it to create a 91 Avant 4.2 
>> Automatic. 
>> It's not about what anyone else may think about doing that, but it's about what 
>> I would like as an individual, regardless of what anyone else thinks about it. 
>> I've always been partial to wagons and creating that particular animal with some 
>> additional power from either turbos, a supercharger, or both, is a long term 
>> goal I have on my list of automotive creations. Unfortunately, my 5-speed must 
>> be sold first.
>> I don't presume to be some sort of Audi authority, but I do have quite an 
>> extensive automotive service background. In fact I have in the past, and 
>> continue today to serve as an expert witness in automotive litigation cases. 
>> Regardless, I don't try to impress folks, especially at the expense of others.
>> So before throwing stones, I'd just as soon, assume, or at least hope anyway, 
>> that you are better with a wrench than a pen. 
>> Had you not, a propensity to pontificate regarding your opinions of others, you 
>> could not fly the friendly skies. We don't need to assume anything. It's obvious 
>> that all that warmth you spew is self serving: it allows the lift needed for you 
>> to go cruising in your hot air balloon. Thankfully the cool breezes of reality 
>> will prevail.
>> ;>)
>>>> On Sep 20, 2014, at 3:10 PM, "Scott DeWitt" <scotty at advancedautomotion.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> I find it humerous that people try to cheapen expensive and hard to find
>>> parts by adding adjective such as rusting-away and wrecking yard.
>>> I too have a set of Euros and won't even mention the price as V8 owners
>>> are some of the cheapest of all Audi owners out there. I'd just assume
>>> save them for my V8 if I ever decide to resurrect it.
>>> Scott
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