[V8] to the junk yard

Brandon Hoag qu4ttro87 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 20:27:13 PDT 2014

It's definitely tranny fluid. It was low and wouldn't go into reverse. I
drained the pan, added 4 quarts, and she was perfect again. A short, smoky
drive and I could clearly tell it was tranny fluid by the smell. Oil and
hydraulic levels are both perfect. I have a dipstick for it and could
verify it was low as well.

As far as shops, anything in Minneapolis is going to be a drive she
wouldn't be able to make right now, and I'm not sure trailering her is a
good idea. I haven't spent too much on what I've done, since I've been able
to do all of it, save for making the fuel lines, myself. I'm planning for a
$2500 bill if it's the rear main seal or something.

But you mentioned the axles. That's interesting. The leak is coming from
the passenger side rear of the engine. Right on the exhaust, of course.
After I installed the fuel lines and FPR I just let her sit and idle as I
basked in my mechanical ability, after confirming the drip coming from the
same area I worked on was in fact the A/C dripping, and not my fuel lines
(sick joke, Audi), I noticed the massive drip coming nearly directly behind
the passenger wheel. Now I'm going to have to get up under there to check
the axle if that's a possibility.

It was either the V8 or a 944. Right now I don't think the 944 would have
been enough of a project.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 10:12 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com <toml99 at todomundo.com
> wrote:

> And, verify that it's actually tranny fluid....if no dipstick, 22-1/2"
> from top of dipstick tube to middle of low/high where it should be.....Tom
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